Thursday, 21.01.2021
Posted by: RICG in category #interwiew #job
How to do well during an online job interview?
Job interviews in times of the pandemic take place mostly online via Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Webex and many other platforms. The way a candidate prepares for an interview shows their respect for the potential employer. Therefore, it is worth remembering that both substantive and technical preparation (working equipment and the ability to operate the platform through which we connect), as well as neat appearance are very important. In fact, all the rules for a live job interview also apply online. Below is the list of key tips particularly useful during a virtual job interview:
1. Prepare yourself as you would for a traditional recruitment interview.
2. Clothing should be adapted to the situation – neat and quite formal (pyjamas or tracksuits will not be welcome). No one will notice if your shoes have been polished but an elegant shirt, dress or semi-formal jacket are all advisable and appropriate for the situation.
3. Take care of the comfort of the conversation - warn your family members or flatmates not to disturb you by entering the room.
4. Make sure you have a neat environment and background for your conversation - alternatively you can use the background available on your instant communicators.
5. Before you talk, make sure which communicator you will be using, ask for a link to the meeting, ask how many people will be in the meeting, determine who will be calling whom.
6. It is worth having the caller's mobile number at hand in case the equipment or Internet connection do not work.
7. If you are not proficient in communicators or have used other tools than those proposed by your potential employer, practise before the interview to feel more comfortable on the particular platform.
8. Keep an appropriate distance between the webcam and your face. The ideal distance is about the width of the table and the webcam should be at the eye level.
9. It is better to use a laptop or desktop computer than a smartphone because you may be asked to perform a task where you will need access, for example to the MS Office.
Minor errors can happen to anyone but it is important to remember about the elementary principle of respect for the other party and compliance with the above-mentioned points. Just imagine you are wearing an elegant dress or suit and going out for a job interview only in a different, virtual reality.